Two new Kavli institutes in China, one in the UK, and one in the US bring the total to 14. Like the earlier ones, the new Kavli institutes have multimillion-dollar endowments from the Oxnard, California-based Kavli Foundation and funding from the host institution, and are intended to become world-leading centers in their fields of research (see Physics Today, May 2004, page 32).

The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics China (KITPC) in Beijing is a joint venture with the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The other new institute in China is at Peking University and focuses on astronomy and astrophysics. The University of Cambridge is setting up an institute in cosmology. And at Harvard University, the new Kavli institute focuses on the interface of biology and nanoscience.

Most of the Kavli institutes take a traditional format of bringing together experts in a specific field...

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