The Atomic Energy Commission has awarded thirtyseven contracts for unclassified basic research in the physical sciences to universities and private research institutions so far this year. Among those in physics are: Case Institute of Technology (R. S. Shankland and E. F. Shrader), “Study of Gamma Ray Spectrums Produced from a 30 Mev Betatron”; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (W. A. McKinley), “Fast Coincidence Techniques and Beta Ray Spectroscopy”; Johns Hopkins University (S. S. Hanna), “Fast Neutron Cross‐Section Measurements”; Bausch and Lomb Optical Co. (N.J. Kreidl), “Irradiation Damage to Glass”; Princeton University (M. G. White), “Nuclear Research Using 17 Mev Cyclotron—Scope II”; Washington University (J. W. Kennedy), “Generation of High Voltages by Means of Nuclear Radiations”; University of Wisconsin (D. A. Lind), “Inelastic Scattering of Fast Neutrons”; and Case Institute of Technology (E. Shrader), “Reactor Studies”.

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