The CERN council is taking the lead in creating a European strategy for particle physics after completion of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This month the council will assign the task to a working group that will draft a strategy for the council’s approval next summer.
The working group will consist of the heads of Europe’s main particle physics labs, scientists representing each of CERN’s 20 member countries, and five scientists each from the European Committee for Future Accelerators and CERN’s science policy committee. The ECFA and SPC scientists will do the legwork, with the full working group convening next spring to finalize a strategy proposal for the CERN council.
Among the topics sure to be on the table are the International Linear Collider (ILC), a luminosity upgrade for the LHC, and projects at the national particle physics labs. The working group will also consider neutrino physics; dark matter, proton...