For the first time, the Society of Rheology has bestowed two awards on the same person in the same year. At the SoR annual meeting in Lubbock, Texas, last month, Christopher Macosko received the Bingham Medal and shared the Journal of Rheology Publication Award with Rui Zhao.

The Bingham Medal, SoR’s highest honor, is given to a member of the society who has made an outstanding contribution to the science of rheology. Macosko was honored for his “outstanding contribution to the science of deformation and flow of matter.” He is a professor of chemical engineering and materials science at the University of Minnesota.

The Publication Award recognizes an outstanding paper published in the Journal of Rheology during the preceding two years. Macosko and Zhao’s article, “Slip at Polymer–Polymer Interfaces: Rheological Measurements on Coextruded Multilayers,” appeared in 2002 in volume 46, page 145, of the journal. Zhao is a senior...

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