Four educators and two journalists received honors from the Acoustical Society of America during ASA’s 149th annual meeting, held in October in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The following awards were presented at the gathering:

Katherine Safford Harris, Distinguished Professor Emerita of speech and hearing sciences at the graduate school of the City University of New York, received the Rossing Prize in Acoustics Education. The prize, in its second year, carries a $3000 purse and is given to recognize significant contributions to acoustics education through teaching, creation of educational materials, textbook writing, and other activities.

Harris was also awarded the Silver Medal in Speech Communication “for research and leadership in speech production.”

The Silver Medal in Animal Bio-acoustics was presented to James M. Simmons, professor of neuroscience at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. He was recognized “for contributions to understanding bat echolocation.”

Henrik Schmidt, professor of mechanical and...

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