The American Physical Society recognized a number of scientists in 2005 for their contributions to physics. Awards and prizes were distributed during an August ceremony in Baltimore, Maryland.
Receiving the 2004 Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award was Jacqueline Ashmore, a technologist at Tiax LLC in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Ashmore, whose thesis adviser was Howard A. Stone at Harvard University, received the award “for elegant theoretical and numerical analyses of coating and free-surface flows.”
The division of atomic, molecular, and optical physics gave two DAMOP Dissertation Awards in 2005. Markus Greiner, an assistant professor of physics at Harvard University, was recognized for realizing a “quantum phase transition from a superfluid to a Mott insulator in a gas of ultracold atoms.” James K. Thompson, a postdoctoral fellow at the MIT—Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms in Cambridge, Massachusetts, received the honor for “testing E = mc 2 with a two-ion mass balance.”...