Steven Allan Kivelson will join Stanford University this September as a professor of physics. He currently is a professor of physics at UCLA.
This month in Prague, Czech Republic, four individuals are receiving the 2004 Agilent Technologies Europhysics Prize at the 20th general conference of the European Physical Society’s condensed matter division. Michel Devoret, Daniel Esteve, Hans Mooij, and Yasunobu Nakamura are being recognized for their “realization and demonstration of the quantum bit concept based on superconducting circuits.” Devoret is the director of research of the Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) in Saclay, France, but is now “détaché” at Yale University, where he holds a tenured position as a professor of applied physics and of physics. Esteve is the director of research in the “quantronics” (quantum physics and electronics) group at CEA. Mooij is the director of the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft in the Netherlands. Nakamura is a principal...