Step into microbiologist Rita Colwell’s new office at Canon US Life Sciences Inc in Arlington, Virginia, and you can trace the last six years of her career simply by studying the walls. Just inside the door is a signed photo from Al Gore, who was vice president when Colwell was appointed head of NSF six years ago. Hanging next to Gore’s picture is one of former President Clinton with Colwell at an event. Across the room hangs the photo of Representative Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY), chairman of the House Committee on Science, and behind her desk is a picture of Colwell with President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura. Next to that is Paul Sarbanes, the senior Democratic senator from Maryland and a friend of Colwell’s.

The photos reflect not only the Washington world of power but Colwell’s ability to work both sides of the street as the staunchly bipartisan...

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