The 2004 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and the International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC) will run concurrently from Sunday, 16 May, through Friday, 21 May, at the Moscone Center West in San Francisco.
An opportunity to explore new research areas and a showcase for emerging technologies, this annual conference continues its tradition of combining the latest advances in electro-optics research with an applications-oriented exhibit show. New technical sessions in electro-optics and laser science being introduced this year will include displays and solid-state lighting devices, optical metrology, and high-field physics. Among the highlights of several special joint CLEO/IQEC symposia are sessions on energetic ultrafast laser-driven radiation sources and nonlinear photonics in optical lattices.
On the CLEO side, representative topics include laser applications and optical instrumentation systems; solid-state lasers; semiconductor lasers and LEDs; applications of nonlinear optics; holography, wavemixing, photorefractives, storage, and wavefront correction; optical materials fabrication and characterization; high-field lasers...