Last month, Kenneth Heller took office as vice president of the American Association of Physics Teachers. Heller, Morse-Alumni Professor of Physics at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, succeeded Richard Peterson (see Physics Today, Physics Today 0031-9228 562200372 February 2003, page 72 ) and will become AAPT’s president-elect in 2005, president in 2006, and past president in 2007.

Heller received his BA in physics from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1965. After spending several years working as a US Peace Corps volunteer in Nigeria and in Kenya, he earned his PhD in experimental high-energy physics in 1974 from the University of Washington, Seattle. After a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Heller joined the University of Minnesota in 1978 as an assistant professor in the school of physics and astronomy. He became a full professor there in 1987 and has served...

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