In a move that surprised and dismayed the Bush administration but delighted the European Union, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s cabinet has recommended ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. The protocol aims to cut greenhouse gases that cause global warming. More than 55 countries producing 55% of the industrialized world’s 1990 greenhouse gas emissions must ratify the protocol before it can go into effect—and Russia’s ratification will tip the scale on emissions. Since 1990, only Russia, Sweden, and the UK have cut emissions to the level specified by the protocol.
In 2001, the Bush administration pulled out of the protocol, arguing that complying would be too expensive and that the protocol unfairly allows developing nations to continue to increase their emissions. Since then, the EU has been wooing Russia, the world’s second largest greenhouse gas emitter. In return for ratifying the Kyoto protocol, the EU has hinted it will open its doors...