The Society of Rheology presented two awards at the 75th meeting of the society, held this past November in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Giuseppe Marrucci, professor of chemical engineering at the University of Naples in Italy, received the Bingham Medal, the society’s highest honor. He was recognized for the “extraordinary breadth and depth of [his] contributions to the science of rheology.” According to the citation, the scope of his contributions include his work on entangled polymers, liquid crystals and liquid crystalline polymers, constitutive equations and non-Newtonian fluid mechanics, dilute polymer solutions, and his service to the rheological community.

The 2003 Journal of Rheology Publication Award was shared by Kasiraman Krishnan, Bryan Chapman, Frank S. Bates, Timothy P. Lodge, Kristoffer Almdal, and Wesley R. Burghardt for their article “Effects of Shear Flow on a Polymeric Bicontinuous Microemulsion: Equilibrium and Steady State Behavior,” which appeared on page 529 in volume 46 of...

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