In October, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences will induct 187 fellows and 29 foreign honorary members at a ceremony in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The following new fellows are physicists or work in physics-related fields:
Fred Anson, Elizabeth W. Gilloon Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus, at Caltech
Phaedon Avouris, manager of nanometer-scale science and technology, IBM Corp’s T. J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York
Carolyn Bertozzi, Howard Hughes Investigator and professor of biochemistry and molecular biology and of chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
Alan Boss, research staff member in the department of terrestrial magnetism of the Carnegie Institution of Washington in Washington, DC
Paul Chaikin, Henry DeWolf Smyth Professor of Physics at Princeton University
Percy Deift, professor of mathematics at New York University’s Courant Institute
Michel Devoret, professor of applied physics and of physics at Yale University