Visitors to the US now face increased scrutiny from both the State Department, which issues visas, and the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services, which controls entry. To advise students and academic visitors, the American Physical Society’s Office of International Affairs has created a Web page of Preliminary Visa Information.

Now in its second generation of modifications, the Interactive Tutorial about Diffraction sets out to teach students how diffraction patterns reveal crystal structure. The tutorial, which was written by Thomas Proffen of Los Alamos National Laboratory and Reinhard Neder of the University of Würzburg, makes use of a program that can simulate any type of structure and calculate the corresponding Fourier transform in any section of reciprocal space.

The biophysical acoustics program at Cornell University’s ornithology lab doesn’t restrict its research to birds. Whales are also studied. If you visit the program’s Web site, you can listen to Recorded...

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