Duane Boning, an electrical engineering professor at MIT, has collected a set of online information sources about semiconductors and microsystems. For convenience, efficiency, and ease of use, Boning displays the links in the form of a map of what he calls The Semiconductor Subway.

“Like the quantum world of the quarks, leptons, hadrons, gluons, and bosons, the micro-sonic domain remained invisible for centuries. Recent advances in technology let us probe and manipulate this formerly unseen world.” Thus composer Curtis Roads introduces his approach to computer-generated music. Roads is the associate director of the Center for Research in Electronic Art Technology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Extracts from his compositions are available on his Web site.

The Astronomical Applications Department of the US Naval Observatory provides precise astronomical data for defense, scientific, commercial, and civilian communities. Among the offerings on the department’s Web page is a tool that calculates...

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