According to legend, everything is bigger in Texas. Maybe that’s why the projected attendance at the meeting of the American Physical Society, scheduled to be held in Austin from 3 to 7 March, is the highest on record. Or maybe, speculates program organizer Donald Gubser of the Naval Research Laboratory, it has to do with the growing popularity of biophysics, quantum computing, and magnetic phenomena, as well as continuing interest in the other topics traditionally covered at the March meeting: superconductors, polymers, and so forth. The meeting will be held in the Austin Convention Center, and the headquarters hotel will be the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

Before the meeting kicks off on Monday morning, early arrivals have the chance to take a weekend short course or in enroll in several half-day tutorials. The APS division of polymer physics has organized a short course “Polymer Chemistry for Physicists,” which will run from...

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