During the American Geophysical Union’s spring meeting in Washington, DC, in May, a number of individuals were recognized for their contributions to the field of geophysics.

The Robert E. Horton Medal went to Jean-Yves Parlange, professor of biological and environmental engineering at Cornell University, for his “fundamental contributions to the understanding of water movement in the environment.”

Ivan I. Mueller received the Waldo E. Smith Medal for his “role in organizing international collaboration to establish the foremost global geodetic instrumentation networks in place today.” Mueller is a professor and chairman emeritus in the department of civil and environmental engineering and geodetic science at Ohio State University.

The James B. Macelwane Medal was presented to Gabriel G. Katul, professor of hydrology at the Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences and the department of civil and environmental engineering at Duke University. According to the citation, his discoveries on...

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