During its annual meeting in Seattle, Washington, this past Febru ary, the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society presented this year’s awards.
John M. Poate, vice president and chief technology officer of Axcelis Technologies in Beverly, Massachusetts, received the John Bardeen Award. He was cited for “the development of ion beam techniques for the analysis and modification of new surface properties of several classes of electronic materials.”
The Bruce Chalmers Award went to Michel Rappaz, professor at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland. Rappaz was recognized for his “outstanding contribution to the numerical modeling of microstructures coupled with macroscopic models of heat and mass transport in modern solidification processing.”
Frans Spaepen, Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics at Harvard University, received the Institute of Metals Lecture & Robert Franklin Mehl Award. The award recognizes an “outstanding scientific leader who is selected to present a lecture at...