The Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and the Quantum Electronics Laser Science (QELS) Conference will run concurrently at the convention center in Long Beach, California, from Sunday, 19 May, through Friday, 24 May. The joint meeting will be a rich blend of basic and appliced science. At the meeting, members of the optoelectronics community will have an opportunity to discuss the latest topics in laser science, quantum electronics, and optoelectronics.

More than 1200 papers will be presented in 10 parallel sessions during the six-day conferences, including, on the CLEO side, 51 invited and 713 contributed papers, 188 of which will be presented in the poster sessions. On the QELS side, 30 invited and 312 contributed papers are planned, with 99 being presented in the poster sessions. Joint and special topic symposia are also scheduled throughout the conference.

In addition to the technical sessions, 14 tutorials will be offered dealing...

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