The division of atomic, molecular, optical, and plasma physics of the UK’s Institute of Physics awarded the 2001 Sir David Bates Prize last month in the village of Going, Austria, to Raymond Flannery. A Regents’ Professor in the school of physics at the Georgia Institute of Technology, he was acknowledged for his “distinguished contributions to the field of theoretical atomic physics and in particular for his studies of recombination processes with applications to astrophysics and plasma physics.”
John S. Wettlaufer joined Yale University in January as a professor of geophysics and physics. He previously was with the University of Washington, Seattle, where he will remain an affiliate professor of physics.
Last October in Oviedo, Spain, the Prince of Austurias Foundation presented the 2001 Prince of Austurias Award for International Cooperation to the International Space Station. Representatives of the partner space agencies of the ISS who accepted the award were...