The Institute of Physics, located in London, has announced the winners of its 2002 awards, presented at a ceremony in January.

The Glazebrook Medal and Prize went to George Kalmus, an honorary senior scientist at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK. He was recognized for his “leadership and promotion of particle physics in the UK and internationally.”

Jane Brown won the Guthrie Medal and Prize for her “outstanding contribution to the field of neutron scattering, especially in the area of polarization phenomena in scattering processes.” She is a senior scientist (retired) at the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France.

John Hannay received the Paul Dirac Medal and Prize in recognition of his “outstanding contribution to theoretical physics in the areas of quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, and optics.” He is a professor of theoretical physics at the University of Bristol.

The IOP presented the Max Born Medal and Prize...

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