The SoR presented its annual awards at the society meeting held last October in Bethesda, Maryland.
Recent amendments to the society’s constitution made possible the awarding of the society’s highest honor, the Bingham Medal, to an individual outside North America. That winner is Masao Doi, a professor of computational science and engineering at Nagoya University in Japan. Doi was acknowledged by SoR for his “contributions to the theory of dynamics of entangled polymers.”
The Distinguished Service Award went to Andrew M. Kraynik, a principal member of the technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories. Given infrequently by SoR to honor substantial works of service to the society, this award was presented to Kraynik for his record of service, which, according to the citation, is “both long and admirable.”
Grant Hay, Kailash M. Awati, Yoosup Park, and Michael E. Mackay shared the 2001 Publication Award for their paper “Pressure and...