One of the highlights of the April meeting of the American Physical Society in Albuquerque, New Mexico, will be the presentation of several prizes and awards.

The 2002 Hans A. Bethe Prize will go to Gordon Baym, Center for Advanced Study Professor of Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. APS is honoring Baym for his “superb synthesis of fundamental concepts which have provided an understanding of matter at extreme conditions, ranging from crusts and interiors of neutron stars to matter at ultrahigh temperature.”

J. David Bowman will receive the Tom W. Bonner Prize in recognition of his “leadership in performing precision measurements involving tests of fundamental symmetries, including his studies of parity non-conservation in compound nuclei.” Bowman is a team leader in the neutron science and technology group at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

This year’s Edward A. Bouchet Award will be presented to Oliver Keith Baker,...

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