To suggest topics or sites for Web Watch, please phone me at (301) 209–3036.
Getting your message across in an interview or press conference can be quite challenging, especially on live TV or radio. If your media savvy needs a boost, take a look at You and the Media, a 32-page booklet published by the American Geophysical Union and written by Herbert Funsten, a space physicist from Los Alamos National Laboratory.
On its Learning History of Physics page, AIP’s Center for History of Physics has collected sample syllabuses from several noted experts. Among the offerings is Science from Aristotle to Newton, a course that Stephen Brush began teaching two years ago at the University of Maryland, College Park.
The Exploratorium in San Francisco produces a series of Webcasts on the science of food and cooking. Appropriately for the holiday season, December’s program takes champagne as its topic.
Sparkling Science:...