At a ceremony to be held in London in January, the Institute of Physics will give awards to 14 individuals who have contributed to the development, management, understanding, and communication of physics worldwide.
The IOP will present its Paul Dirac Medal and Prize to Christopher Hull for his “pioneering work in super-string theory.” He is a professor of theoretical physics at Queen Mary, University of London.
Terry Quinn, director of the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures in Sèvres, France, will receive the Glazebrook Medal and Prize. He is being honored for his “leadership [in] international metrology.”
In recognition of his “contributions to the study of electronic properties of condensed matter,” the IOP will award its Guthrie Medal and Prize to Michael Springford, an emeritus professor of physics at the University of Bristol.
The Bragg Medal and Prize will go to Ian Lawrence for his “innovative contributions to...