More than six hundred universities, research laboratories, and hospitals in forty‐six states are using isotopes produced by the Atomic Energy Commission for scientific, medical, biological, industrial, and agricultural research and for medical diagnosis and treatment, the Commission stated in a report published in May. The full report on isotope distribution for five years shows that more than 18,900 shipments of radioactive isotopes and 1500 stable isotopes have been made to users in the United States and that 1100 radioactive isotope shipments have been made to users outside the United States. The report, Isotopes—A Five‐Year Summary of U.S. Distribution, is available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C., for one dollar per copy. A summary of isotope applications considered to be of significance to industry has been compiled from the Summary and printed separately as document TID‐5078, which is available at the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. for 30 cents per copy.

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