A total of thirty‐five technical specialists representing many fields of science and education have been sent by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization to assist governments in the Latin American area in planning and directing national development programs. A brief, but comprehensive, progress report, prepared by the U.S. National Commission for Unesco and issued in August by the Department of State, adds that Unesco had specific projects under way in ten Latin American countries by April of this year and was engaged in a number of related major activities affecting most countries in that part of the world. A regional field science office has also been established in Montevideo to make available the services of three science specialists to governments and scientists in the region. It has prepared a register of more than fifteen thousand scientists and institutions with details of their particular field of activity and publishes brochures on the state of the various sciences in Latin America. These publications are mailed regularly to more than one thousand institutions and individuals, who are thus kept up to date on research in their particular fields.

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