On 10 November the Department of Energy announced that the Superconducting Super Collider will be located on the Blackland Prairie corn and cotton fields around Waxahachie, Texas. The decision ended a competition entered by 25 states more than a year earlier. The contest for the SSC was reminiscent of way the site for Fermilab was chosen in 1966. Indeed, the procedure invented for selecting Fermilab was copied for the SSC, right down to the preliminary run‐off refereed by a panel appointed by the National Academy of Sciences and the visits by a government team to the final few sites in the competition. Even the complaints from local citizens and the rumors of political influence that were rife during the Fermilab competition had their counterparts in the SSC contest.

For a more detailed account, see C. Westfall, PhD dissertation, Michigan State U. (1988).
This paper had its roots in an earlier paper by
Soc. Stud. Sci.
Atomic Energy Commission, “Wide Distribution Shown in AEC List of Proposals for 200 BeV Accelerator,” press release, 9 July 1965. J. T. Ramey to G. T. Seaborg and others, 23 July 1965, files of G. T. Seaborg, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
National Academy of Sciences, report of the Site Evaluation Committee, March 1966. G. T. Seaborg to F. Seitz, 13 September 1965, files of G. T. Seaborg, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. E. Piore to E. Lofgren, 1 November 1965, files of E. Lofgren, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
National Academy of Sciences, report of the Panel of Accelerator Scientists, 25 January 1966.
P. McDaniel, notes on NAS Site Evaluation Committee, 22 November 1965, files of G. T. Seaborg, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
G. T. Seaborg, record of meeting on 13 June 1966, files of G. T. Seaborg, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Atomic Energy Commission, summary notes of briefing on progress report on 200‐BeV site analysis, 10 May 1966, files of G. T. Seaborg, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
T. B. Husband to L. B. Johnson, 5 May 1966, Seaborg Collection, Department of Energy Archives, Germantown, Md.
G. T. Seaborg, record of conversation, 13 July 1966, files of G. T. Seaborg, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. G. T. Seaborg, diary, 15 September 1966, files of G. T. Seaborg, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
J. Erlewine to G. T. Seaborg and others, with enclosure, 200‐BeV summary, 21 November 1966, Seaborg Collection, Department of Energy Archives. H. Traynor to G. T. Seaborg and others, 31 August 1966, Seaborg Collection, Department of Energy Archives.
Newsweek, 27 February 1967, p. 28, quoted in T. J. Lowi, B. Ginsberg, Poliscide, Macmillan, New York (1976), p. 101.
L. B. Johnson to H. H. Humphrey, 16 January 1964, Secretariat, Department of Energy Archives.
D. Z. Robinson, in W. T. Golden, Science Advice to the President, Pergamon, New York (1980), p. 158.
T. J. Lowi, B. Ginsberg, Poliscide, Macmillan, New York (1976), p. 79.
W. H. Lambright, Presidential Management of Science and Technology: The Johnson Presidency, U. of Texas P., Austin (1985), p. 62.
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