Neutrinos have been an important feature of theories of stellar processes for many decades. As a star forms from interstellar matter, its temperature gradually increases because of its gravitational contraction. However, this thermal energy is not sufficient to make it shine for long. We believe that the primary energy source of the Sun, and of stars in general, is a series of nuclear fusion reactions, occurring deep inside the star, in which energy is released as four protons are converted into a helium nucleus. In the process, two protons are converted into neutrons by each emitting a positron and an electron neutrino. Thus a star must emit electron neutrinos constantly.
The Kamiokande II collaboration consists of K. Hirata, T. Kajita, T. Kifune, M. Koshiba, M. Nakahata, Y. Ohyama, N. Sato, T. Suda, A. Suzuki, M. Takita, Y. Totsuka (Univ. of Tokyo); K. Takahashi, T. Tanimori (KEK); K. Miyano, M. Yamada (Univ. of Niigata); E. W. Beier, L. R. Feldsher, S. B. Kim, A. K. Mann, F. M. Newcomer, R. VanBerg, W. Zhang (Univ. of Pennsylvania); and B. G. Cortez (AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, N.J.).
M. Nakahata, Workshop on Grand Unification, Syracuse, N.Y., 1987, and Symposium on SN1987a at Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, 1987. T. Kajita, Rencontre de Moriond, March 1987. A. Suzuki, in 12th Int. Conf. on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Sendai, 1986, J. Yuta, S. Tanaka, eds., World Scientific, Singapore (1986), p. 306. K. Hirata et al., Univ. of Pennsylvania preprint UPR‐0144E (July 1987).
M. Koshiba, ICOBAN'84, Park City, Utah, 1984, and Proc. 22nd Int. Conf. on High‐Energy Physics, Leipzig. 1984, vol. 1, p. 244.
Y. Totsuka, Proc. 7th Workshop on Grand Unification (ICOBAN'86), Toyama (Japan) 1986, J. Arafune, ed., World Scientific, Singapore (1987), p. 118.
M. Koshiba, Workshop on Future Projects, Inst. of Cosmic‐Ray Research, Univ. of Tokyo, 1986. M. Koshiba, S. Orito, K. Kawagoe, Workshop on Non‐Accelerator Physics, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, 1986.
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