The emergency situation, apparently destined to be of long standing, has given rise to much concern over the state of the nation's potential in human resources, and the past several months, in particular, have seen a sudden upsurge in the number of surveys to study various aspects of this potential. Many professional organizations and educational institutions are now either examining the extent of our trained manpower reservoir or are attempting to discover means for insuring the health of the educational system from which it must come. It is significant that support for such studies is being given not only by philanthropic organizations but by certain government agencies as well. While much emphasis has been placed upon the need for an adequate supply of specialists in the physical, medical, biological, and engineering sciences, there is evidence that other intellectual disciplines are not entirely to be neglected and that considerable effort is being made to avoid a situation such as that which confronted American education during the last war.
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May 01 1951
Human Resources
Studies in progress on many fronts
Physics Today 4 (5), 25–26 (1951);
Human Resources. Physics Today 1 May 1951; 4 (5): 25–26.
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