January, page 40—In box “Advice to an entrepreneur,” line 12, “rungs” should read “rugs.”
March, page 64—The editors mistakenly substituted the name of Konrad Lorentz for that of Hendrik Antoon Lorentz in the review of Albert Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity. We are grateful to A. J. Kox (University of Amsterdam) for calling our attention to this error.
April, page 43—Reference 1 should read R. H. Stuewer (instead of H. Steuwer).
May, page 25—Captions were omitted from the photos. The upper photo is a transmission photomicrograph of a liquid-crystal sample between crossed polarizers. The colored areas are birefringent regions of the layered, smectic-A phase nucleating from the isotropic liquid phase as the sample is cooled. (Photo by J. Goodby, Bell Labs.) The lower photo shows a diffraction apparatus from Bell Labs used at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory for structural studies of freestanding liquid-crystal films. (Photo by R. Pindak, Bell Labs.)