May 1981, “Wiggler and undulator magnets” by Herman Winick, George Brown, Klaus Halbach and John Harris appeared with the following misprints:
page 52, caption of figure 3 should read “with polarization parallel (σ).”
page 54, legend of figure 6 for black curves should read “(in operation)” instead of “(under construction).”
page 56, caption of figure 7 should read “Program by Y. Zambre.”
page 57, first column “” should read “”
caption of figure 8, should read “(typically 2 microns).”
page 58, third column, fourth line, should read “The undulator radiation retains the intrinsic brightness of synchrotron radiation because …”
first figure in box revised as follows: (see PDF for diagram)
page 60, first column, starting 14 lines from bottom should read “the transverse beam size should satisfy the condition , where L is the distance from the undulator to the detector; the electron beam divergence angles should satisfy .”
middle column, line end of first paragraph should read “…from 3–7 keV are shown in figure 9”.
May 1981, “Facilities in the United States” by Ednor M. Rowe: table, page 36, “A. I. Bienstock” should read “A. I. Bienenstock”; “Standford, CT” should read “Stanford, CA.”