Acknowledgment for the digital radiography images appearing in the article “Medical Imaging Systems” (August, page 36; figure 2) should be given to William R. Brody and his colleagues at Stanford University, who used a scanned projection system to produce these photographs. (See W. R. Brody, D. M. CasseL F. G. Sommer, L. A. Lehmann, A. Macouski, R. E. Alvarez, N. J. Pelc, S. J. Riederer, A. L. Hall, Am. Jour. Radiol. 137, 201 (1981); and W. R. Brody, G. Butt, A. Hall, A. Macouski, Med. Phys. 8 (3) 353 (1981).) The authors regret this omission.
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