June 1980, page 78—In the letter “Physique of physicists” the author's name should read L. X. Finegold rather than L. S. Finegold.
July 1980, page 17—Owing to an error in typesetting and proofreading, the members of the collaboration looking for neutrino oscillations at the Laue-Langevin Institute were incorrectly identified. The group consists of Felix Boehm, Alan Hahn, H. E. Henrikson, Heemin Kwon and Jean Luc Vuilleumier (all at Caltech), J. F. Cavaignac, D. H. Koang and B. Vignon (all at Institut des Sciences Nucleaires, Grenoble) and Franz von Feilitzsch and Rodulf Mossbauer (both at Technical University, Munich).
July 1980, page 39—Caption of Figure 5 fails to mention that figure was provided by Vittorio Canuto.
July 1980, page 58—Leon Van Hove, research director-general at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland, was elected an associate member of the National Academy of Sciences. His name was inadvertently omitted from the original story.
August 1980, page 9—In J. William McGowan's Guest Comment: The meeting at Baddeck, Nova Scotia will take place during October, not in September as announced.