June, page 25—in “Physics of rotating nuclei” by Aage Bohr and Ben R. Mottelson. The blue lines on figure 4b and c appeared misaligned. They should have appeared as shown here, with the line whose slope is ℏωc appearing as the tangent of the S‐ and g‐bands in figure 4b and with ℏωc appearing as the intersection of the S‐ and g‐bands in figure 4c.

The label “g‐band” in figure 5 should refer to the base‐line (the dashed white line in the figure) of the measurements. In figure 7 the blue line is a fitted line whose slope determines an effective moment of inertia corresponding to 2.I/ℏ2 = 142 MeV−1.

In the text on page 30 in the left column the moment of inertia of a rigid sphere should be given as 2Irig/ℏ2 = 124 MeV−1. which is slightly less than the measured 142 MeV−1.

The editors regret these errors.

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