1977 was the year of copyright at the American Institute of Physics. It began with a seminar that included the Governing Board and society officers, continued with editorials and new‐policy statements from journal editors, and ended with AIP staff ready with procedures to implement those policies. These preparations were all in anticipation of the new US Copyright Law, effective 1 January 1978.
R. De Gennaro, American Libraries, American Library Association, February 1977, page 69.
B. M. Fry, H. S. White, “Economics and Interaction of the Publisher–Library Relationship in the Production and Use of Scholarly and Research Journals,” final report under NSF Grant No. GN‐41398; Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 1975.
“Library Photocopying in the United States: with Implications for the Development of a Copyright Royalty Payment Mechanism,” submitted by King Research, Inc., Rockville, Maryland to the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, October 1977.
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