The March issue (page 45) states that H. Tracy Hall “began working at General Electric's Research and Development Center in 1948 and served as director of research, 1955–67.”
The reference to “director of research” apparently was meant to apply to a position held by Hall at Brigham Young University after he resigned his position at General Electric in August 1955.
C. Guy Suits served as General Electric vice‐president and director of research, and as head of the General Electric Research Laboratory, from 1945 until his retirement in 1965. Since that time Arthur M. Bueche has been GE vice‐president for research and development, a position that includes responsibility for directing the work of the General Electric Research and Development Center, successor organization to the former Research Laboratory and Advanced Technology Laboratories.
A somewhat misleading statement with regard to the PEP Project appeared in the March issue (page 20), “in‐brief” heading, paragraph 2, line 4:
“…ERDA has approved a $28‐million contract for the design and construction of housing for research equipment.”
Although less brief for “in brief,” a more accurate statement would be:
“…ERDA has approved a $28‐million contract for the design and construction of the PEP conventional facilities. This includes all sitework, the main tunnels for the storage ring‐magnet systems ( miles in circumference), electrical and mechanical utilities, technical support buildings, and interaction halls (experimental areas) for colliding‐beam experiments.”