When it achieves full operating capacity, the Positron–Electron Tandem Ring Accelerator is expected to produce 19‐GeV beams of electrons and 19‐GeV beams of positrons. Now under construction at the Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron site in Hamburg, PETRA is scheduled to begin operation for colliding‐beam experiments in mid‐1979. Meanwhile, the Positron–Electron Project, a joint undertaking of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory to be built at Stanford, is to have two 18‐GeV beams; PEP was included in President Ford's FY 1977 budget request and is expected to start up in early 1980 (see table). The cost estimate for PETRA, which includes buildings but not salaries, is $38 million in 1974 dollars. Total PEP expenditures, expected to reach $78 million, are figured quite differently and include both salaries and an escalation allowance for inflation.

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