That we live in a technological world is evident to all of us. Certainly public policies regarding energy, transportation, coastal‐zone management, pollution, waste management, urban technology and health‐care delivery affect our lives and our pocket books.
H. L. Davis, “Needed: more physicists on the Hill,” PHYSICS TODAY, November 1973, page 88.
J. Burns, The Sometime Governments; A Critical Study of the 50 American Legislatures, Citizens Conference on State Legislatures, Bantam, New York, (1971).
The legislative process in New York State, a pamphlet available from any Assemblyman.
Legislative Record and Index, available from The Legislative Index Company, 100 South Swan Street, Albany, N.Y. 12210.
S. Chapman, “The Meaning of Meaning,” World, 13 February 1973, page 19.
Proceedings of the New York State Assembly–AISLE Conference on Energy and the Environment: A Challenge to Technology and Lawmaking in New York State, 21–23 January 1974, obtainable from M. M. McNamara, Research and Administrative Assistant, Assembly Scientific Staff, Capitol Building, Albany N.Y. 12224.
S. Chapman, IEEE Spectrum, June 1971, page 13;
IEEE Spectrum, April 1973, page 9;
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