A group at the University of Pennsylvania has reported observing superconducting fluctuations in organic solids above 60 K. In a postdeadline invited paper at the March meeting of the American Physical Society in San Diego, Alan J. Heeger, Anthony F. Garito and their collaborators (L. B. Coleman, M. J. Cohen, D. J. Sandman and F. G. Yamagishi) reported finding a conductivity 500 times the room‐temperature value in an organic charge‐transfer salt based on tetracyanoquinodimethan (TCNQ). The Penn group has been investigating a particular TCNQ salt called (TTF) (TCNQ) and a modified version of it called (ATTF)(TCNQ), and they interpret their data as arising from superconducting fluctuations associated with a tendency toward high‐temperature superconductivity in these pseudo‐one‐dimensional solids.

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