August, “Laser‐induced thermonuclear fusion,” page 47—In the middle of the first column, the phrase, “10 keV alpha particles in DT” should be “alpha particles in 10 keV DT.”
Page 47—In the third column, fourth line from the bottom, “10 kJ” should be “60 kJ.”
Pages 50 and 51—In the figure captions, delete the word “assumptions.” The 10 000 fold compression is neither assumed nor built into the computer program. The computer program consists of nine principal coupled nonlinear partial differential equations containing the physics of hydrodynamics, thermonuclear burn, magnetic fields, and energy transport by ions, electrons, photons, and neutrons. Fifty variables and 30 energy groups are involved.
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© 1973 American Institute of Physics.
American Institute of Physics
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