A fire at the Brookhaven AGS on 9 Dec., which destroyed the coils on one magnet and downed the accelerator for six days, is a symptom of the radiation damage that is becoming a serious problem at the facility. Because the accelerator is operated at 15 times its original design intensity, water hoses burst, magnet insulation turns a sickly greenish yellow and some of the AGS staff is being exposed to almost the allowable radiation limit. So we were told by Kenneth Green, chairman of Brookhaven's accelerator department. Green feels that the AGS in its present configuration cannot continue running at its average intensity, 1.5×1012protons/pulse, for more than another year or so. However, he expects that the AGS conversion project (PHYSICS TODAY, September 1964, page 98) will soon relieve some of the radiation problems involving men and equipment.

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