It has been announced that a symposium on smallangle x‐ray scattering will be held at the University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. on October 21 and 22, 1949. The tentative schedule thus far includes papers by R. D. Dragsdorf, A. Heyn, P. J. Kaesberg, P. C. Sharrah, G. Vineyard, K. L. Yudowitch, and others. On Friday night, October 21, Professor P. Debye of Cornell University will give one of the University of Missouri's O. M. Stewart Lectures on the “Interpretation of Scattering Experiments in Terms of Structure” in which he will include references to recent work on light scattering. Those interested in attending the symposium or in presenting a contributed paper should write to Professor George H. Vineyard, Department of Physics, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri.

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