In discussing information‐system development, I feel, in a way, like a missionary. I don't mean in the sense of propagating the faith some of us have that progress in science and technology can result from better information handling. I mean, rather, in advocating a partnership of the government and the private sector in fashioning the tools—the information systems—that will meet our present and future needs. I stress the word partnership because I sincerely believe that although federal‐information‐system improvement is a vital ingredient, the larger need is national‐information‐system improvement. In this positive sense, then, I describe myself as a missionary seeking to convert your curiosity into interest and your interest into action. Without your participation in the planning and execution of national systems, progress will continue to be slower than it need be.

A. M. Weinberg et al., Science, Government, and Information: The Responsibilities of the Technical Community and the Government in the Transfer of Information, 10 Jan. 1963; available from Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. 20402.
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