Physicists interested in theoretical understanding of elementary‐particle structure are invited to attend the 1965 International School of Physics “Ettore Majorana” to be held from September 27 to October 10 at Trapani in Sicily. The school's morning lectures will cover the introduction to higher symmetries, relativistic SU6, consequences of SU6 and other symmetries in weak, electromagnetic, and strong interactions, symmetry breaking, and the more fundamental symmetries and their experimental status. Afternoon working sessions devoted to clearing up the topics of the morning lectures, as well as seminars on experimental topics are also included in the program. Proposed lecturers are J.S. Bell, N. Cabibbo, J. Steinberger, and V.F. Weisskopf, all of CERN; P. Franzini of Columbia University; R. Gatto of the University of Florence; S. Glashow of the University of California at Berkeley: A. Pais of the Rockefeller Institute; J. Prentki of CERN and the Collège de France; and G. Puppi of the University of Bologna. Persons wishing to attend the course should apply as soon as possible to Mrs. M. Bell, CERN, Geneva 23. Switzerland. In their applications, they should specify date and place of birth, degree and other academic qualifications, publications, present position and place of work, together with a letter of recommendation from their research‐group head or professor of physics. The total fee, including full board and lodging, is about 600 Swiss francs ($139).

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