Brown University's Physics Department reports that it is in the process of moving into the new Barus‐Holley Building, which is expected to alleviate extremely crowded conditions in the Department and allow its concentration in one place. The new quarters, which it will share with the Division of Engineering and the interdepartmental Metals Research Laboratory, will provide offices for the entire Department of Physics as well as specialized instructional space and a number of all‐purpose classrooms. Dedication of the structure was held on June 4; summer classes were scheduled in the new building later in the month. The main fields of research now in progress at Brown are: (theory) high‐energy and solid‐state physics, many‐body problem, general relativity and gravitation, and physical acoustics; (experimental) high‐energy, nuclear, resonance, and surface solid‐state physics, defects in solids, optical spectroscopy and low‐temperature physics, metals and magnetism at low temperatures, physical acoustics, and properties of conventional liquids and liquid helium.

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