Recently adopted amendments to the constitution of the American Physical Society, which are to take effect early next year, call for the addition of a new Society officer, the vice president elect, who will be the highest ranking officer to be elected annually by the APS membership. After serving as vice president elect for one year, he will succeed automatically to the vice presidency in the second year and will assume the presidency in the third year. The amendments also provide for the appointment by the Council of one or more regional secretaries of the Society, the enlargement of the Council itself by the addition of several ex officio members, and an increase in the Council's participation in the affairs of the various Sections and Divisions of the Society. Specifically, the Council will be empowered to review and to approve or disapprove the by‐laws proposed for Sections and Divisions as well as the definitions of areas of interest proposed for the Divisions. The Council will appoint one member of their nominating committees, and the dates and places of sectional and divisional meetings are to be chosen in consultation with the Council or its designated representative.

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