Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies have announced a broadening of the Oak Ridge graduate fellowship program operated under contract with the Atomic Energy Commission. The program, which is open to all universities granting PhD's in the sciences, utilizes ORNL's senior staff and experimental facilities in the thesis‐research phase of the doctoral program. The academic degree is granted by the sponsoring university. Previously, students had to complete all course work and pass their preliminary examinations at the universities before becoming eligible for these fellowships. The new program permits appointment of the fellow at the time when the university certifies that the candidate is ready to commence research work acceptable as a doctoral dissertation. Advanced courses and other degree requirements can thus be taken concurrently with the research phase of the fellow's studies. In addition to the basic stipend of $3000 per year, a doctoral candidate will receive $500 for each dependent. During the fellowship, participants are enrolled at their universities on the same basis as full‐time students. The fellowship pays all tuition and fees to the university.

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