The Holloman Summer Scientific Seminars, cosponsored by the University of New Mexico and the Air Force Missile Development Center, will take place again this year at the Little Theater of the Cloudcroft Lodge in Cloudcroft, N. M. The dates are June 19–30 and the subject is astrophysics. The program will consist of five lectures on ergodic theory by Eberhard Hopf, five lectures on celestial mechanics by R. S. Richardson, and two lectures each by Otto Struve, Donald H. Menzel, Gerard P. Kuiper, Carl Sagan, Seth B. Nicholson, John D. Strong, Herbert Friedman, N. U. Mayall, John D. Kraus, and George Gamow. A day‐by‐day program is available and arrangements to attend any or all of the lectures may be made by writing to Dr. J. R. Foote, P.O. Box 1053, Holloman AFB, N. M.

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