Four Westinghouse scientists have been granted leave of absence under a “professional‐enrichment” program established by the Central Research and Development Laboratories of Westinghouse Electric Corp. in Pittsburgh, Pa. Under the plan, entitled the “Westinghouse Academic Leave Program”, outstanding professional personnel at the Laboratories are permitted to carry out individually planned research and study at any university or nonprofit institution of their choice in the world. Successful candidates are granted academic leave with maintenance of current salary for periods up to one year. According to S. W. Herwald, Westinghouse vice president for research, “The program is not intended simply as a means of completing education toward an advanced degree. Nor is it intended as a training program to improve administrative skills. Rather, it is designed to broaden the view‐point and experience of our top scientists and engineers by bringing them into contact with outstanding people, institutions, or facilities wherever they may exist in this country or abroad.”

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